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Privacy Policy

PRIVACY POLICY                                                                                                                              

Last updated: January 1, 2024

At STEM BEAUTY CLINIC, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We rigorously comply with the requirements set forth in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the protection of individuals concerning the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (LOPDGDD).

We are at your disposal for any questions, comments, or inquiries related to the processing of your personal data. To do so, you just need to contact STEM BEAUTY CLINIC via email at 


  • STEM Beauty S.L. (hereinafter, "STEM BEAUTY CLINIC")

  • Tax ID: B-56878937

  • Address: C/ María Reiche 17, 4B Floor, 28055 Madrid (Spain).

  • Contact by email: or by postal mail to the above address.



Data provided directly by you

  • Forms for contact and appointment reservations (name and surname, email, contact phone number);

  • Forms for the collection of personal data, taking photographs, or recording videos for the proper execution of the contractual relationship for the provision of medical, surgical, or cosmetic services;

  • Subscription to our newsletter or informational bulletin on news, promotions, and/or recommendations from CLÍNICA STEM BEAUTY (email, SMS, or WhatsApp).

We inform you that you must provide us with accurate and truthful information and/or personal data at all times. You must promptly communicate to STEM BEAUTY CLINIC any changes to this information to ensure that it is always up-to-date.

Data obtained indirectly:

As we inform you in our Cookie Policy, it is possible that, with your consent, various tracking, analysis, and similar cookies are installed on your device during your navigation and use of our website, collecting information about your use of our website. 


  • Navigation and average time on the different menus and pages of our website;

  • History and details of appointment reservations made;

  • Study and analysis of your profile, behavior, consumption preferences, and interests to improve the services and experience provided by STEM BEAUTY CLINIC.

  • Others.

3. HOW DO WE USE YOUR PERSONAL DATA? (Purposes, Legal Bases, and Retention Periods)

Manage appointment reservation requests

  • Legal Basis: Pre-contractual measures, to execute your service provision request.

  • Retention Period: Your personal data will be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they were collected and, in any case, until the possible legal actions derived from the purpose and processing are prescribed.

Resolution of queries and provision of customer service

  • Legal Basis: (i) Pre-contractual measures, to execute your service provision request and/or (ii) consent (information request).

  • Retention Period: (i) Deadlines established by regulations and until possible legal actions derived from the purpose and processing are prescribed; (ii) Until withdrawal of consent.


Provision of medical services (surgery, appointment management, invoices, photographs, etc.)

  • Legal Basis: Necessary for the execution of a contract for the provision of medical services.

  • Retention Period: Deadlines established by regulations and until possible legal actions derived from the purpose and processing are prescribed.

Hiring and management of cosmetic advisory services

  • Legal Basis: Necessary for the execution of a contract for the provision of cosmetic advisory services.

  • Retention Period: Deadlines established by regulations and until possible legal actions derived from the purpose and processing are prescribed.

Sending commercial or advertising communications by electronic means (email, SMS, WhatsApp, etc.)

  • Legal Basis: Express consent.

  • Retention Period: We will keep your data for this purpose from the moment you subscribe until you request to unsubscribe (due to complex technological processes or active campaigns, even if we proceed to unsubscribe your data for this purpose, it may take several days to take full effect).

Resolution of requests for the exercise of data protection rights

  • Legal Basis: Compliance with a legal obligation.

  • Retention Period: Deadlines established by regulations and until possible legal actions derived from the purpose and processing are prescribed.

Collection of information and data that may be collected automatically during your use and navigation (cookies and pixels) for statistical purposes, market studies, or behavior and consumption habits

  • Legal Basis: Express consent.

  • Retention Period: We will keep your data for this purpose until you withdraw your consent or update your preferences.


We inform you that the personal data processed by STEM BEAUTY CLINIC will not be used for different and subsequent purposes than those mentioned above. If necessary, we will duly inform you in that regard regarding the legal bases, and if necessary, we will proceed to collect your consent again.

The personal data collected through the different forms on the website will be subject to automated processing and incorporated into the corresponding section in our internal register of personal data processing activities, owned and responsible by STEM BEAUTY CLINIC.

We want to inform you that STEM BEAUTY CLINIC processes and stores your personal data in accordance with different regulatory storage and documentation obligations, so the retention period for such personal data may be subject to variations.



We want to inform you that your data will not be transferred to third parties unless there is a legal obligation to do so (for example, in special cases to the Public Administration, State Security Forces and Bodies, Public Prosecutor's Office, etc.).

However, we inform you of the existence of data processing operations by third parties on behalf of STEM BEAUTY CLINIC, which are necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes (e.g., management of the appointment reservation service; computer services or cloud information hosting tools, essential for the proper provision of STEM BEAUTY CLINIC services), or for compliance with a legal obligation. The provision of these services is legitimized based on the corresponding personal data processing contracts signed with these third parties, in accordance with the requirements of the current and applicable data protection regulations.

All service providers of STEM BEAUTY CLINIC are carefully selected, and the services entrusted to them are reflected in writing in a contract. In this way, they follow the instructions we provide and ensure that they comply with the technical and organizational measures required by the applicable regulations, and in particular, by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in all personal data processing operations under the responsibility of STEM BEAUTY CLINIC to which they may have access in the provision of the service (e.g., transfer to the corresponding hospital when necessary for the provision of surgical or medical service).

No international data transfers are made (outside the European Economic Area).



STEM BEAUTY CLINIC wants to inform you that, if you wish to exercise your rights, you can send a written communication to the registered office or to the email address It will be necessary for us to properly identify you, so, regardless of the method you choose, it is advisable to always include a copy of your ID or any other valid identification document (passport, resident card, etc.) to ensure that you are the correct requester.

Thus, regarding your personal data, you may request the exercise of the following rights:

  1. Right to obtain confirmation from us regarding the possible processing of your personal data, and if this is not the case, we will inform you (right of access).

  2. Right to request rectification (if you consider them incorrect or inaccurate) or request deletion when, among other reasons, you consider that the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.

  3. Right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data, in which case STEM BEAUTY CLINIC will only keep them for the exercise or defense of possible claims.

  4. Right to object to the processing, in which case, STEM BEAUTY CLINIC will stop processing the data in the manner you indicate, unless, for legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims, we have to continue processing your data.

  5. Right to the portability of your data. In the event that you request that your personal data be processed by another company or entity, STEM BEAUTY CLINIC, whenever technologically possible, will facilitate the portability of your personal data to the new company or entity responsible as indicated by you.


We also inform you that you can obtain models, forms, and more information about the aforementioned rights on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).


Finally, if you believe that there is any problem with the way STEM BEAUTY CLINIC is processing your data, you can submit your complaint through an email to, or directly to the corresponding data protection authority, with the Spanish Data Protection Agency being the one for Spain.


STEM BEAUTY CLINIC may have a profile on some of the main social networks (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), so we are responsible for the data published from our official profiles.

The processing that STEM BEAUTY CLINIC will carry out with the data within each of the mentioned social networks will be, at most, what the social network allows for corporate profiles, in accordance with its terms and conditions of use. Thus, STEM BEAUTY CLINIC may inform its followers, when the law does not prohibit it, through any means that the social network allows, about its services, new treatments, and events of STEM BEAUTY CLINIC, as well as providing a personalized customer service in case it is requested.

We want to emphasize that under no circumstances will STEM BEAUTY CLINIC extract data from social networks unless their consent is obtained, explicitly and timely, informing in any case of the purposes for which such data is destined and redirecting at all times to this Privacy Policy.


STEM BEAUTY CLINIC applies appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of your data, especially the protection of your personal data, and to prevent third parties from becoming aware of it, being modified by mistake or intentionally, lost, or destroyed.

We periodically review these measures and adapt them to the current state of technology when necessary.


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in response to legal changes, technical or business developments. When we update our Privacy Policy, we will take appropriate measures to inform you, in accordance with the relevance of the changes made.

You can see when this Privacy Policy was last updated by checking the "last updated" date provided in the header of this Privacy Policy.

© STEM BEAUTY SL. 2024. All rights reserved.

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